The Question Paper shall consist of the following two parts:
Part - A : 60% Weightage
The standard and syllabus of the examination will be of the level of Degree in Engineering in the respective discipline and its brief outline may be notified prior to the exam.
Part - B : 40% Weightage
(i) Reasoning & Mental Ability
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) General Knowledge & Everyday Science
(iv) Hindi General
(v) English General
A brief outline of the scope of each sub-part is given hereunder for general guidelines of candidates, but is not intended to be exhaustive:-
(i) Reasoning & Mental Ability: Analytical Reasoning, Number series, Letter series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Shapes and Mirror Images, Clocks, etc.
(ii) Mathematics : Mathematics. (Class-XII level)
(iii) General Knowledge & Everyday Science : Current events including issues of State (Rajasthan), National & International importance, Persons & Places in recent news, Games & Sports, Science, Indian History, Civics, Geography, Indian Polity, etc. with special reference to Rajasthan.
Hindi General : Hindi Grammar and language (Class - X level).
English General : English Grammar and language (Class-X level).
3. The Question Papers, except "Hindi General" of Part-B, shall be in English only.
4. There shall be "No Interview".
5. There will be 'Negative marking' for each wrong answer.
6. To become eligible for consideration for appointment, candidates shall be required to secure minimum passing marks in each 'Part' as detailed below in the written competitive exams :-
(i) UR category candidates - 30% marks
(ii) SC/ST/BC/SBC/PWD(PH) category candidates - 20% marks
The sum of marks obtained by candidates in the Part-A and Part-B of the examination will be counted for determining final order of their merit.
7. For selection against "Unreversed" vacancies, candidates must be eligible for appointment as "Unreserved" candidate. It is clarified that in case of availing relaxation in "FEE", a candidate does not become ineligible for selection against "Unreserved" vacancy.
8. If the examination is held in more than one session due to one or other reason, the scores across various sessions will be equated to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of different test batteries used across sessions.
9. Appointing Authority would analyze responses (answers) of individual candidates with those of other candidates to detect patterns of similarity of right and wrong answers. If it is inferred/concluded that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine / valid. Appointing Authority reserves right to cancel the candidature of the concerned candidates and the result of such candidates (disqualified) will be withheld.
10. The scores of online exam will be obtained by adopting the following procedure:-
(i) Number of questions answered correctly by a candidate in the objective test is considered for arriving at the 'Corrected Score' after applying penalty for wrong answers.
(ii) The 'Corrected Scores' so obtained by candidates are made equivalent to take care of the minor difference in difficulty level, if any, in each of the objective tests held in different sessions to arrive at the 'Equated Scores'. Scores obtained by candidates on any test will be equated to the base form by considering the distribution of scores of all the forms.
(iii) Scores on total will be calculated with decimal point upto two digits.