If you're aiming for a job at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), YourPedia is the perfect resource for you to learn everything about the HPCL Exam. As the largest academic media company, YourPedia offers an authentic platform for students who aspire to excel in their careers and reach their goals. We provide guidance, counseling, and mentoring to millions of students preparing for competitive exams. Our esteemed panelists (Technical Mentors) offer the best guidance and detailed strategies, and we also provide online modules including important questions with solutions for HPCL exam preparation.
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), also referred to as HP is a subsidiary of ONGC, owned by the Indian Government's Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Its Mumbai-based headquarters oversee operations. HPCL owns two large refineries in India: one located on the west coast in Mumbai with a capacity of 9.5 million tons per year and another on the east coast in Visakhapatnam with a capacity of 8.3 million tons per year. With a robust marketing infrastructure, it holds a significant 25% share of the Indian public sector undertakings market. Aspiring engineers have the chance to leverage this situation as a beneficial platform for enhancing their professional prospects.
HPCL Exam and its pattern
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is a renowned public sector undertaking that provides highly competitive salary packages to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria for the selection process.The company's compensation structure is designed to attract and retain top talent in the industry, ensuring that employees are rewarded for their hard work and dedication. With its commitment to excellence and focus on employee development, HPCL is an ideal choice for individuals seeking a challenging and rewarding career in the oil and gas sector. Recruitment in HPCL will be for 276 various posts based on the performance of candidates in the various stages of selection criteria.
To secure a job with HPCL, you must pass three stages of the recruitment process: a Computer-Based written test (CBT), a Group Task (GT), and an Interview. Meeting the requirements for each level is essential for eligibility in the HPCL recruiting process for 2023.
The HPCL Exam in 2023 will be conducted through a computer-based online platform. There will be a total of 170 questions in the exam, with each question carrying one mark.The paper will be 150 minutes in length.The test comprises two sections: technical and non-technical.
Preparation Strategy for the HPCL Exam
A new video has been released by YourPedia to help engineering candidates prepare for the HPCL recruitment exam, including important questions from the previous year's question papers. The good news is that there are many vacancies available, and the HPCL exam consists of multiple-choice questions with no negative marking. This means that all candidates have an equal chance of being selected if they begin preparing early. The exam covers 170 questions, with 85 from non-tech backgrounds and 85 from technical backgrounds.
The video focuses on the instrumentation subject, which deals with the engineering of measurement and automation. Automation and technology play a vital role in the exam, with previous papers containing questions on topics such as the Internet of Things, PLC, SCADA, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It is recommended that candidates cover all topics during their preparation, rather than focusing on one in-depth.
The HPCL syllabus covers seventeen topics, with the last two being soft computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning for process control, and the Industrial Internet of Things. These topics are crucial for instrumentation engineering students, and they should be thoroughly prepared for them.
One important topic in the HPCL exam is Programming Engineering and Management, which has appeared in previous question papers. Additionally, the topics of Industrial automation and control and optimization and optimal control each hold two to three questions, according to analysis. For instrumentation engineering candidates, the topic of microprocessors and Microcontrollers is crucial. Candidates should have a strong understanding of memory interfacing, output and input interfacing, machine cycle instruction, T-state, interrupts, addressing mode, and more.
When dealing with multiple devices, it's important to understand their behavior, characteristics, and modeling to prevent interference. Candidates should also have fundamental knowledge of communication and devices. While topics such as Electronic devices, Analog Electronics, and Power Electronics may be challenging, it's important to focus on weak areas and maintain determination and hard work.
It's important to remember that the HPCL exam will contain 23 to 33 questions on topics that are not part of the core instrumentation curriculum. The tentative cutoff for the general category is maybe 140, so candidates should prepare accordingly and practice repeatedly.
For example, in the EDC topic, candidates should remember the different types of devices and photodiodes. In Power Electronics, they should understand DIET and strike, the type of materials used, their voltage-current characteristics, how many regions they operate in, and their applications in each region. Analog Electronics requires knowledge of how to draw a square wave generator, convert a square wave to a triangular wave, and use operational amplifiers in both linear and non-linear modes. They should also understand k-met triggers, hysteresis width, the frequency of oscillation of the stable multivibrator, and more.
In Transducer, Sensor, actuator, and Automation, candidates must have a strong understanding of this core part of instrumentation. Additionally, topics such as Electrical and electronic measurement, Digital Electronics, PID, combinational logical circuits, and sequential circles are also important and have significant weight in the HPCL exam.
When studying Analog Electronics, it is important to understand the crystal oscillator and the operational amplifier's role in instrumentation engineering. To prepare for the upcoming HPCL exam, candidates should review the data sheet of the 741 IC and pay attention to parameters such as Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR), CMRS, bandwidth, and their ideal and practical values. Additionally, candidates should familiarize themselves with sub-topics such as voltage-current series, and input and output resistance for Feedback Amplifiers.
Tips and Tricks
To excel in the HPCL exam, candidates must be ready to go beyond the GATE syllabus and study additional material. It's advisable to prepare concise notes for quick revision and memorize all formulas. Time management is crucial, as candidates have only fifty minutes to answer 170 questions. If faced with a challenging question, it's best to move on to the next one and come back to it later if time permits. The good news is that there is no negative marking, which increases the likelihood of being selected for HPCL.
If you're interested in applying for a position at HPCL, this article offers comprehensive information. We cover the HPCL exam, and its pattern, and provide strategies for preparation along with some helpful tips and tricks. We hope that this article proves to be a valuable resource for you.
Ultimately, the mentality of the candidate is crucial and can make all the difference in succeeding in a competitive exam. Dedication and commitment are key, and ambitious candidates need to find their inner motivation to fuel their drive towards success. Believe in yourself and approach your preparation with the right mindset and approach.
We at YourPedia welcome aspiring candidates to join our daily live classes for HPCL exam preparation. Take one simple step and we will guide you through the rest to help you achieve your goal.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and look forward to seeing you soon as an employee of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. Stay tuned with YourPedia for further updates.
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