Fellowship Program in Management (FPM) is PhD program in prestigious IIM’s in India.
Selection critieria is good academic background in graduation, Post graduation & average score in qualifying exams such as GATE, CAT, GRE & GMAT. It is scholarship program & provides opportunity to the students to get the ecosystem for quality research under the guidance of expert mentors of IIM. FPM program has duration of 3-5 Years after Post Graduation & Graduation. Great career opportunities in academics, teaching, research, corporate, entrepreneurship & abroad can be explored through FPM. This is the best program for those who want to get super specialized in particular area of research. This program provides great opportunity to join prestigious IIM’s even if your score in qualifying exam such as GATE, CAT, GRE, GMAT is low. FPM offers specialization in different domains admission to which can be done through different qualifying exams. Engineering graduates having GATE score are eligible for applying in domains such as project management, optimization, organizational behavior, innovation in education etc. Generic courses such Marketing, HR, Finance etc. can be attained through CAT, GRE, GMAT etc. Any graduate with above average academic and qualifying exam score can think of applying in FPM.
Can I get IIM's at LOW CAT Score? FPM Program in IIM's through CAT
Is FPM as good as much MBA? Opportunities after FPM program
Career options after FPM program | All details about FPM program | FPM in IIM's
Most Optimum strategy to enter IIM's | | FPM in IIM's | Low CAT score | Low GATE score
How to become teacher in IIM | FPM in IIM's through CAT, GATE, GRE, GMAT
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