The interview panel at BARC asks questions from the following subjects: network theory, EDC, digital, control, and analog circuits, electromagnetic field theory, communication systems, and signal and system theory. The panel will ask questions specifically related to these subjects, but they will go into great detail. This depth of questioning can focus on either theoretical or practical applications of the subject matter. Therefore, be prepared for unexpected and challenging questions. The panel is known to be very supportive and will offer hints to guide you. If you are able to articulate your ideas effectively and possess a strong understanding of the subject matter, then you have a good chance of succeeding.
BARC interview experience, June 21, 2022
6 board members
Write 4 subjects on board ( microprocessor 8085 , digital electronics , analog electronics, and E.D.C.)
Do you want to answer in this sequence?
1. How many address lines are there in an 8085, and how much memory can be interfaced between 32k RAM and 32k ROM? and what happens if we interchange ROM and RAM? Why do we use RAM? Can we make a processor only with ROM?
2 How can we transmit bulk data ? How does DMA work, , how does DMA take control on buses?
3. What are you studying in EDC?
4 . draw a diagram for an amplifier, explain what is biasing circuit , why we need of them, use of Re resistance, effect of Re , what is range of Rc, can we reduce Rc, what happens if we reduce Rc in ohm range, what happens if we increase Rc in megohm range.
5 Draws the frequency response of this circuit. Which capacitor is responsible for lower cutoff frequency.
6. What is bandwidth of circuit?, How can we measure this in lab? , there any short method you know?
7. How to reduce bandwidth.
8. We want to make a tol plaza were tol is collected according to weight. , design the circuit, and then he said, "First, design the sensor, which sensor will be used , how we convert weight to voltage, and how variable capacitors provide voltage according to weight." This is a nonlinear function; can you design for linear variation.
9. Draw voltage in an RLC series circuit across each element for sin input.
10 . Interface a latch with a microprocessor , and tell what parameters are considered for the performance of the latch.
11. What is hold time , why do we consider it?
12. Draw a circuit for count your interview time.
13. How we start it , how it works, and how to enable work in flip flops
14. The circuit should be clear when the next person enters, and , data should be available when the next person comes.
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