Brach ECE || Degree: B.E/M.Tech
No. of people in panel = 5
- They have asked us to make a PPT on research objections and methodologies. They first ask about that PPT. And most or question. They ask from my major project (Research Topic-M.Tech.)
- Then they said, it seems you have done more theoretical analysis than practical work. [1 agrees that it was a simulation-based project.
- Next, they ask about senses. How do seniors sense the environment? I answer then. Next, they start asking me, "Currently, do you think we are using any of these sensors in conversion?"
- Next, they ask, since your project is related to communication. Is wireless communication secure for high security applications like the military?
- The next question they ask me is about Gaussian noise. 1 answered, then they asked further: "When we receive some signal, how can we determine that Gaussian noise?" is associated with it. I tried to answer, but they asked me to elaborate practically.
- Then, next, they asked me about precision and accuracy. Why are they both important, and are they related to each other or not?
- They were more oriented towards practical questions, and they wanted the candidate to also follow a practical approach while answering.
- Next, they ask, "Is encryption possible in senior communication?"
- Next, they ask, "What do you think of object detection?" Can you design the layout of a prototype model of any object detection system?
- What is an antenna? I answered. Next, they asked, "How can we determine the maximum and minimum strength of the signal by antenna practically?
- Then next, they started asking about the signal-to-noise ratio. They next asked about the matched filter and how it was working. Practically, how is it designed and how does it maximize the signal-to-noise ratio?
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