BARC Computer Science Actual Interview Questions & Experience
The interview panel at BARC asks questions on the following subjects: C data structure, algorithms, TOC, and COA. The panel will ask questions specifically related to these subjects, but they will go into great detail. This depth of questioning can focus on either theoretical or practical applications of the subject matter. Therefore, be prepared for unexpected and challenging questions. The panel is known to be very supportive and will offer hints to guide you. If you are able to articulate your ideas effectively and possess a strong understanding of the subject matter, then you have a good chance of succeeding. Below you will find the actual interview questions asked in the BARC interview for the computer science branch. Here I am sharing the interview questions asked about C data structures & algorithms in BARC interview.
- Find the complexity, given a code snippet.
- Make a copy of a given tree.
- Find the mirror image of a tree.
- Circular Linked list implementation, and some modifications on it.
- How to detect loops in a circular Linked list?
- Count the number of leaf nodes in a tree using recursion.
- What happens if we divide the array in 3/4th and then use binary search, are comparisons increase, decrease, or remain the same and why?
- How Binary search works and how it is different from hashing. What is the time complexity of binary search?
- Given a directed graph, how to detect a cycle in the graph? What is the time complexity of your algorithm by using an adjacency matrix/list?
- Check whether two strings are the same, less than, or greater than using pointers.
- Explain hashing in detail(what is hashing, types of hashing, , time complexity to find an element in open chaining, etc.).
- Write a function to delete a node from linked list.
- Difference between Quick sort and Merge sort
- Write a C Program to concatenate two strings without using in-built function.
- Write a C Program to test whether the input string is a permutation of a palindrome.
- What is a heap? Draw a min heap. What are the operations on possible on min heap.. Write down the code for heapify and its recurrence relation and
complexity. Write down the code to add an element in a min heap.
- Then they asked me how many nodes are possible in a complete binary tree of height h. Prove it by mathematical induction.
- Sum of the number of bits required to represent the first 6 Fibonacci numbers using Huffman Coding.
- Insertion in given B tree
- Implementation of stack using linked list
- Checking whether a given tree is AVL or not
- Is Travelling salesman problem NP Hard
- Prims and Kruskal will they always give the same MST
- If there is a cycle in link list, how to find the starting point of the cycle.
- Compare asymptotic time complexity of log2(n) and log3(n).
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