Rahul Bora from Kurukshetra, Haryana, passed out from NIT Kurukshetra prepared for one year and got GATE 239 rank in general category. He applied to couple of PSUs and also appeared in BARC and EIL interviews. The cutoff in general was 78/100 in NPCIL. 100% of the selection is interview-based. 12 times, candidates are called for interview. interview was in Kaiga, Karnataka. Accommodation was provided. Documentation verification was done, and the next day, an interview was conducted. There were 8 people in the panel, including one lade member.
• You are passed out from NIT Kurukshetra so what did you do for one year after you passed out from college. Gap year is asked
• Where else have you taken the interview, how was your performance in BARC
• Will you get selected in BARC
• In which subject were you weak in BARC
• What is tribology (this was not mentioned as favorite subject)
• Interview was going on in Hindi, first college was asked in Hindi
• What is difference between oil and Greece in lubrication
• What is TQM (total deviation in interview) though my project was on quality control
• You were weak in BARC in thermos and SOM so please go on board and explain stress strain diagram on board
• Tensile test is on which machine
• Why two yield points
• Strain hardening etc …. many questions of stress strain diagram
• How can power be transmitted other than gears (they wanted to ask splines)
• What is practical application of spline
• Make a shaft transmitting power and gear is in center, corners have bearing
• Which theory shall you use for design of shaft
• Suggest more criteria for design
• Endurance limit definition
• How to reduce the fatigue
• Types of gear, draw the profile of gears
• Addendum, dedendum, circular pitch
• Derive contact length
• Many times, I said that I don’t know and I have not revised
• What is COP
• Draw VCR cycle simple question only
• Can we design shaft on basis of whirling
• Second frequency of whirling shaft
• Types of heat exchangers
• Write formula of LMTD
• What is formula of NTU
• What is effectiveness (did not go in depth)
• Centrifugal pump to draw water from 12-meter depth, is it possible
• What is depth limit up to which water can be pulled from below ground
• My interview was for 65 minutes
• Average it takes 30 to 40 min
• I told many places that I don’t know
• BARC interview is in depth but not in NPCIL
• Up to AIR 1000 they must have called
• Make PV diagram of processes in thermodynamics
• Show how can we approach these processes practically like constant pressure process etc
• Specific heat of gases depends on what factors other than temperature
• Bar subjected to force F on one side and 4F on other side, it was not in equilibrium draw stress vs distance graph
• What ever you say they will pull interview in that direction
• Convection temperature profile
• Why you feel cold when you sit below fan
• Molecular arrangement
• Lot of thinking is required
• What is need of glass in thermometer
• Can we replace glass as intermediary material
• Force vs distance relation for jet flow
• Viscous effect with temperature
Rahul faced interview of both NPCIL and BARC and finally got selected in NPCIL despite of not answering many questions.