ML, AI and Data Science are the emerging technologies that offer lots of opportunities as far as jobs are concerned. Not only students from CSE and IT backgrounds are pursuing careers in these fields, but also those from other core branches such as, electrical & electronics, civil, mechanical, chemical, mathematics & physics, etc are getting equally benefited. Recently, IISc Bangalore has introduced a new subject code for GATE 2024, i.e., GATE DA on Data Science, ML and AI. It provides a great opportunity to students of every background to pursue their higher education at premier institutes like IIT, IISc, NIT, etc. and get corporate jobs. Those interested to pursuing their research career in India & abroad must also write their papers on this subject.
Team YourPedia has done a wonderful job in creating the learning content (theory as well as lots of practice questions) for these subjects. I extend my heartfelt thanks and congratulate my team members, Gurvinder Singh, Jitender Tyagi, Mukesh, and Aman for putting their effort in creating this content. JP Sir is a researcher par excellence and is now the author of this wonderful book. JP Sir has done a great job creating this learning content for the benefit of students. The book is written in very simple words, which is easy to understand by the students, especially those from branches other than CSE and IT. A lot of questions are also provided with detailed solutions for practice. Supplementary question books containing 1,000 questions are also provided separately.
My special thanks to all my friends and colleagues in various educational and research institutes in India and abroad like IIT and DRDO who have contributed as per their specialization and capabilities to bring out this master piece for the student’s community who want to pursue their career in the fields of ML, AI, and DS. It was a brave step on the part of IISc Bangalore to come out with such a module in GATE, but there was no availability of good learning content for this paper. Thanks to the entire team at YourPedia, JP Sir, and many of our friends associated with NPTEL, we present to you the best possible learning and practice content for this exam.
Once you clear the ,strong>GATE exam with these subjects, you can join premier higher educational institutes in India as well as abroad and pursue a master's or PhD in them. The best jobs in campus placement are offered to students from these branches. Students will be provided the most effective post-GATE guidance by the mentors of YourPedia through a dedicated module launched in February, immediately after the GATE exam. I present before you all this wonderful book written on emerging technology so that you develop an understanding of the subject and get a great career in this field.
Please avail yourself of the benefits of this content and chalk out a wonderful career for yourself in India or abroad in the fields of AI, ML, and DS.
If you prepare for this paper with this learning content, then you will surely score well in the GATE DA paper in 2024. Once you prepare with this content and the video-recorded questions by mentors, your understanding of this subject will be enhanced. Immediately after the GATE exam, you can prepare from this content for the interview as well. Post-GATE counselling for data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence will be started immediately after the exam.
All the best
Dr. Vijayender Singh
CEO YourPedia
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