What is teaching skill test during Kendriya Vidyalaya Interview?
Teaching skill test is very important component of selection process for the post of teacher. It is also part of interview process of Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers Interview. The panel of interviewers wants to see whether you have teaching skills along with subject knowledge or not. It may be possible that the candidate has very good subject knowledge but very poor teaching pedagogy. Managing the board, maintaining eye contact with students, keeping them engaged, explaining the topic in lucid and simple manner, and dictation to the students are some of the important components of the teaching style on board. These points are normally observed by the panel during the teaching skill test.
How to choose the topic for the teaching skill test for the interview of Kendriya Vidyalaya teaching post?
Normally, the choice of the topic to be taught is provided by the interview panel to the candidate only. In that case, please use the following guiding points for the choice of topic:
- Topic should be your favorite in which you are very confident.
- It should have scope of making simple diagram, simple formula, some assumptions, easy to grasp and may be short to be completed in 5 min.
- You must tell during teaching this topic something unique which is not available in books. This impresses the panel.
- Topic chosen should neither be very simple not very difficult to understand, in fact it should be moderate.
Some important points to be considered while teaching skill test.
- While starting the topic, maintain eye contacts with panel for one min and explain the topic gist to them instead of directly starting to teach the topic on board
- Explain which topic you are going to teach and what will you teach in that
- Then turn towards board and write the name of topic clearly.
- Note that what ever you write on board will be noted down by students so please write very clearly and neatly.
- Keep explaining whatever you are writing on board by maintaining eye contacts with the panel.
- You can always arouse curiosity in panel by asking some interesting questions so that their attention is driven towards you, don’t expect them to answer, just raise question which you must answer immediately.
- Once you have taught the topic, you can ask them for any question they want to ask you.
- Once they say you to come and sit on your chair, please erase whatever you have written on board.
- Choose the topic in such a way that you are NOT supposed to erase while teaching.
- Before coming back please say THANKS to the panel.
Keep these things in mind while taking the teaching skill test. Gesture postures and standing style and maintaining eye contact is very important while taking teaching skill test. You can watch the video related to it available on YourPedia education YouTube channel links of which is provided below.
Reference Videos: