How can you discipline students in the class?
KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya School) interviews for teachers’ posts have three main components, including the HR section, which comprises approximately 30 to 40%. The HR questions are very important since they check your attitude and temperament for the KVS jobs. One of the frequently asked HR questions is related to discipline in the class. As a teacher, how can you bring discipline in the classroom? There are numerous ways to inculcate the discipline in classroom without resorting to punishing students. Some of the points are mentioned below:
The following important input can be given for answering this HR interview question frequently asked in Kendriya Vidyalaya School teacher interviews.
Discipline can be inculcated among students in the following manners:
- Try to identify the students resorting to indiscipline in class and identify whether they do this in groups, identify group.
- Need to talk to each one of them separately and try to understand the reason.
- Many times, when students don’t get interest in topic being taught, they resort to such indiscipline in class, need to make sure they getting interested in the subject and topic being taught.
- Need to take feedback of such students from other teachers also.
- Personal mentoring to be given with special attention on those students to know their issue, if a student knows that he is being provided special care, he tends to improve.
- Seating arrangement in class is another way to bring discipline. Some students who resort to indiscipline sitting together especially in back seats can be relocated to suitable seats near teacher so that they are under direct observation of teacher.
- Discuss their performance with his parents in regular parent teacher meeting.
- Motivate them to perform by rewarding their goof performance.
- Instead of punishment, we should resort to rewarding their good behavior
- Make students realize that to care for them
- Channelizing their energy in other non-curricular activities such as making some student who is doing indiscipline as class representative.
- Students don’t create indiscipline is class of every teacher, that means teacher is to follow certain strategies to prevent indiscipline.