Indian Space Research organisation (ISRO) is probably the best research organisation working in the field of space research in the world and needless to say the importance of this premium organisation for students who aspire to lead career in R & D. ISRO is engaged in research development (R & D) activities in the realm of space applications, space science and technology for the benefit of society at large and for serving the nation by achieving self-reliance and developing capacity to design and build launch vehicles and communication and remote sensing satellites and thereafter launch them. ISRO is the dream job and destination for many scientists and engineers who look forward to pursue transformational research career and serve the nation in the process. ISRO used to conduct exam every year and used to induct and recruit scientists (Scientist C) through GATE exam but for past two years there was no recruitment done by ISRO. Last recruitment done by ISRO was in 2021 through GATE exam. This time in 2023 the number of seats declared are more as it was expected after two years of halt on the recruitment. Another important feature of the recruitment of ISRO in 2023 is the change in the exam pattern.
Recently online applications are invited from meritorious graduates for a number of vacancies of scientists and engineers for SC in level 10 of pay matrix at constituent ISRO centres (Group A Gazetted posts). Details of the posts is mentioned below:
Details of the posts is mentioned below
Some of the important points related to ISRO 2023 exam are discussed in the form of questions and their probable answers on the basis of the panel discussion done by mentors of YourPedia which is further published on YouTube Channel YourPedia education.
ISRO exam was conducted last time in 2021 and the pattern that time was totally different from what is being advertised this time in 2023. Earlier there used to be 80 technical questions including mathematics and were to be answered in 90 min. Questions used to be pretty similar to objective of ESE preliminary. Only 15 to 20 questions used to be really difficult.
This year in 2023, ISRO has announced new pattern of the exam. Syllabus is also totally different this year in 2023. Following are the parts of the written exam as per the advertisement of ISRO:
Number of seats announced in ISRO in 2023 is far more than that declared previously in the exams. This provides huge opportunity to the students to get selected in very prestigious Indian Space Research Program (ISRO) of India.
ISRO has removed previous year question papers from their website. This shows that there may be deviation in the pattern of questions in ISRO written exam from the previous years. The exam pattern shows that there will be roughly one minute per question available to the student. Also, since in technical question there is negative marking so blind guessing must not be done. Majority of the questions asked in the written exam will be theoretical, formula based and direct application based. Lesser questions will be requiring much effort to solve and such questions must be avoided to save the time during exam.
ISRO in their first notification announced that 25% technical questions (20) will be asked from allied topics of the main core branches but later this was removed. Still, since allied branches of core fields are allowed to write the exam, it is understood that some questions will be asked from these. Focus must be both on core and allied topics.
YourPedia mentors have identified and enlisted the allied topics for main core branches which students must certainly prepare for to score good in the written exam. The allied topics are mentioned as below:
Since the mentors of YourPedia have done extensive analysis of all the allied topics which may be asked in the written exam of ISRO 2023, hence best way to prepare for these topics is to refer to the content being provided by YourPedia. Since allied topics are different from the regular topics’students’ study in their curriculum, hence mentors of YourPedia are doing detailed analysis of these topics so that detailed coverage in very simple manner could be done and students are provided very good learning content related to these topics. Allied topics and the aptitude can create the difference in overall score of the students in ISRO 2023 written exam.
Normally on the basis of previous years data, it can be said that after the notification, students may get approximately 3 months for the written exam. Since notification of ISRO written exam 2023 has come in May 2023, so it can be expected that actual written paper-based test (PBT) may be conducted somewhere around Sept 2023. YourPedia has announced the 60 days module for ISRO keeping this data of previous years in mind.
There will be 15 questions (max) for max 20 marks from some topics of aptitude clearly mentioned in the advertisement of ISRO 2023. There is no negative marking in the aptitude questions and hence candidate must compulsorily attempt the questions. The topics in aptitude are mentioned below:
GATE exam tests in depth concepts and knowledge of the students. There are 65 questions including maths and aptitude. GATE checks engineering aptitude of the students. The exam is for three hours ie 180 min for 65 questions. Hence in GATE, more than 2 min are available per question but in ISRO 2023, approximately one min is available per question. GATE is very conceptual exam and normally straight formula-based questions are not asked. Questions in GATE require more time to be solved especially two-mark questions. One-markquestions of GATE may be good reference for the ISRO written exam questions. For GATE exam some topics are left by the students but that approach should not be followed in ISRO. The questions asked in ISRO 2023 may not be very difficult and hence extensive study must be done to cover entire syllabus especially the allied topics and aptitude which students may not find comfortable to do since these may not be part of their curriculum in graduation. There are questions based on derivations etc in GATE which can’t be expected in ISRO. Hence the pattern must be understood well before preparation is started for ISRO 2023. Selective studies which student does for GATE leaving many topics can’t be done for ISRO. For ISRO extensive topic coverage must be done. More the topics you cover more is probability that you will score high in exams such as ISRO where randomness is more. Exam such as GATE are not very random due to their previous year’s papers and well-established exam pattern. For ISRO 2023 exam, pattern has recently been changed and hence to score high, don’t leave any topic and go for extensive coverage.
Students can very well prepare for exams like ISRO for two to three months and score high. Students can’t keep motivation very high for very long duration of time. For those students who could not do very well in GATE exam or those who did not even prepare for the GATE exam and are seriously interested for joining world’s best space research program must give their best for next couple of months and try to convert their effort into election. Such examples we have seen in exams such as HPCL, AAI etc where students who did not do good in GATE but eventually got selections in MahaRatna companies like HPCL. Sometimes after preparing for one full year, there is tremendous pressure on the students and they may not be in position to perform good in the exam like GATE. Hence short duration exams such as ISRO 2023 have an advantage and students can make their schedule for two to three months and start slogging really hard to convert into selection.
Yes, as per the past data, the number of seats advertised at the time of form filling may be different from number of seats which are filled at the time of actual interviews. Number of vacancies are also added. Hence there is probability that number of seats may be increased. Already after two years of NO recruitment, ISRO has come out with large number of vacancies to be filled this year.
Based upon the performance in the written test, candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio 1:5 with an aggregate of at least 10 candidates. This ratio may change depending upon the number of vacancies advertised. Interview of ISRO is very important. YourPedia is the dedicated and wholistic platform preparing students of various interviews of research organisations such as ISRO, DRDO, BARC etc. The interview stage of research organisations such as ISRO is very important and had significant weightage in overall selection process. The kind of questions asked in the interview in ISRO are more convergent and divergent thinking oriented. These questions check overall understanding of the subjects and grasp of basics or fundamentals of their subjects.
Typically, five to ten times candidates are called for the interview in ISRO but this number keeps on changing depending upon the number of students. If seats are very less (say) 30 then may be more number of students may be called for interview. The weightage for the interview is 50%. Hence interview becomes very important stage for the candidates.
YourPedia has already launched the most cost and quality effective module for the preparation of upcoming ISRO 2023 written exam. The module is launched for 60 days and has various components in it including recorded as well as live classes by the mentors. Unique feature of the module is that there are numerous teachers and mentors covering different topics in meticulous way so that minimum effort is needed by the students to get high score. Students may not be having much time to go through standard books or study material for the standard exams like GATE or ESE. Hence entire module is being so designed that through lots of questions, entire syllabus is covered within two months. Different features of the module are being discussed in the document separately. Entire syllabus will be covered since extensive study needs to be done as no topic can be left un touched. In depth study may not be needed in all the topics but coverage needs to be done. Hence the preparation for the ISRO 2023 exam has to be more in horizontal direction rather than vertical. Daily classes schedule will be provided to the students which will further help them to maintain the daily preparation strategy to cover entire syllabus.
YourPedia has launched extensive module for preparation of written exam in ISRO 2023. Total duration within which this syllabus will be completed is kept 60 days. Mentors of YourPedia will cover all the topics largely through the questions (similar to what you are going to get in ISRO exam) in their live classes. Cost of the module is kept such that every student is in position to join it. Old students of YourPedia will be provided the discount on the regular module of ISRO 2023.
Following are the details of the ISRO 2023 Written exam preparation module recently launched by YourPedia:
YourPedia provides best online coaching to the students for various exams such as GATE, PSU, GRE, ESE, IELTS, TOEFL, ISRO, BARC, HPCL etc.
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