Please go through the following marathon videos available on channel of YourPedia for mechanical engineering for the interview of various organisation like PSU IOCL:
1. Thermodynamics
2. Fluid Mechanics
3. Strength of Material
4. IC Engine
5. Mechanical Vibration
6. Material Science
7. Heat Transfer
8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
9. Entropy related interview questions
10. Stress and Strain Diagram
11. Importance of stress and strain
12. Power plant
Please start preparing these subjects from YourPedia and go through marathon videos for preparation of various technical interviews of PSU including IOCL. Following are the questions asked in the interviews of IOCL in previous years from the technical subjects. Answers of all these subjects are available in the marathon videos of YourPedia.
- What is significance of second law and why two statements in this?
- Can you write the equation of second law?
- Draw rectangle on PV diagram and find efficiency of this engine
- Why Carnot is most efficient cycle?
- Can you draw equation of throttling process from SFEE?
- What is significance of PT diagram?
- Types of thermodynamic cycles?
- What is significance of Chemical equilibrium?
- Can you write first law of thermodynamics for pressure cooker?
- Why do you consider throttling process to ab adiabatic?
- TdS relations and their significance
- Mollier chart and various lines on this chart
Fluid Mechanics
- Surface tension and its applications in engineering?
- Why Mercury used in manometers?
- What is meniscus?
- Application of capillary? Where do you use capillary tube?
- How do you measure speed of an aeroplane?
- Pitot tube and principle
- Piezometric head
- Surface tension of paints
- Equations and laws of fluid statics
- Pascal law and application
- Which laws used in Manometers
- Example of vorticity and circulation
- Which type of vortex flow in turbines
- Categories of turbine
- Which turbine suitable for Himalayan rivers
- Limitations of Bernoulli equations
- Example of Uniform and Steady flows
- Analyse forces on rain drop
- Newtons second law for fluids
- Reynolds number and its value for river flow
IC Engine
- Why can’t we have five stroke engines?
- What is Governor and on which engines do we use them?
- Flywheel and its requirements on engine?
- IC engine is closed system or open system?
- Write first law analysis for IC Engine
- Which one is more efficient IC Engine or Power Plant?
- Alternate fuels for IC Engine
- Put diesel in Petrol engine, what will happen?
- How can I stop detonation on moving car?
- Mechanism of E Vehicles
- Main problems of E Vehicles?
- Significance of volumetric efficiency
- Which engine is more polluting diesel or petrol?
- Name the pollutants on Pollution certificate
- Bharat Stage VI and its significance
- Actual PV diagram, Indicator diagram
- Function of Fin and its impact on efficiency
- How to measure temperature of engine
For any Query or to attend Mock Interview session, fill this form or feel free to call 98552-73076Production Engineering
- Special welding processes
- How to weld underground iron pipe
- Electrode used in MIG welding
- How to weld steel
- Welding defects
- LPG cylinders and their material and weld bead on these
- Size of LPG cylinder and why this shape
- How do you weld automobile silencer
- Underwater welding
- Investment casting and why is this called investment casting
- Electroslag welding
- Manufacturing process of LPG cylinders
- Casting sand quality and strength
- Heavy casting and its problems
- Size of electrode
- Why kerosene used in EDM
- Application of Electron Beam Machining
- What is plasma
- Burning rate of flux compared to basic metal
- Shape of riser, why can’t we have spherical riser
- Bottom gate system
- Quality of cast product
- Shell mould casting and applications
- Quick return mechanism
Industrial Engineering
- What is quality circle
- JIT system
- Kanban System
- Project phases
- Inventory and its types
- Forecasting methods
- Line balancing
- Example of sequencing
- Voghel Approximation Method and opportunity cost
- Break Even Point
- Types of resources
- Linear programming
- Define Optimisation
- Objective functions
- Surplus variables
- Batch production
- Ergonomics
- Design chair for better comfort at work place
- Standardisation
- Method study